Helder products

Hygiene solutions

The Covid-19 crisis hit us all. Everyone tried to do their share to minimize the consequences. Helder-id has stepped in, to design a line of products that could help prevent the spread of the virus.

We already had experience with the development of soap and disinfectant dispensers. Many places still lacked a sufficient and easy solution for hand hygiene. In reaction to this we have put our heads together to work out a smart hand disinfection stand. The focus was to provide a sophisticated solution, which could also be ready for market introduction as soon as possible. By working together with a few suppliers in our network, we could start production very fast.


Public space


Market & trend research
Product design
Production & Realization

Corona crisis asks for hygiene measures

The hand disinfection stand consists of a disinfectant dispenser, mounted on a sturdy stainless steel pole with foot, together with a sign that shows the WHO-instructions for correct hand cleaning. The automatic dispenser works with a sensor so you don’t have to touch anything.

Design variations to suit different situations

Helder has also developed a few derived products within the same category. One of them is an elbow operated hygiene station and a smaller version to be used in (primary) schools. Also a wall model and a counter top model were added to the range.

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